Join us at National Heart Week/World Heart Day 2020 Virtual on 3 and 4 October 2020!

Dear all,

This year, due to COVID-19, Singapore Heart Foundation will be running their signature National Heart Week/World Heart Day event virtually on 3 and 4 October 2020 to continue empowering the public with the necessary heart-health information as the battle against cardiovascular disease does not stop.

So register your interest now on to receive updates on the event.



SRFAC Updates for Training Centres (010920)

This is a minor update to inform all Training Centres of the following:

  1. Revised recommendations for demarcation between classes in a large training space without rooms or in-built partitions.
  2. Class size for Child First Aid course (CFA) learners from sectors regulated by ECDA will be capped at 8 learners until further notice and to be conducted at Training Centre’s premises only (theory lessons must be completed online). 


To see full document, please click on the link below (updated portions in dark blue):

Updates for Training Centres (010920)

SRFAC Updates for Training Centres (040820)

Changes to Class Size Limit

  • TCs should note the changes to the class[1] size/training space limit as outlined in the following:
  • For Life Support courses (BCLS+AED, CPR+AED, ACLS, LSCN, etc) and First Aid courses (SFA, CFA), class size will be capped at 16 learners with at least 1m spacing between individuals. For practical training involving CPR and AEDs, up to 4 learners may be placed together in a group, with no intermingling between groups and at least 2m spacing between groups (demarcated by taping on the floor or other forms of physical partition).
  • For hands on practice to be done in pairs (or groups of 3), there should be no swapping of partners.
  • If more than one class is conducted in the same training space without physical partitions (sports hall, event space, etc), there should be:
    • Only be a maximum of 50 persons (including instructors, staff and learners) using the same training space while adhering to safe distancing measures (i.e. maintain 1m spacing between individuals and at least 2m spacing between groups, and a minimum of 3m spacing between each class – demarcated by taping on the floor or other forms of physical partition)
    • no intermingling between learners from different class or groups
    • staggered reporting and break times between classes and/or amongst groups
    • clearly established routes in and out of the designated class area to resting/eating spaces or toilets
  • Class size for TCs within Institutes of Higher Learning, Healthcare Institutions and SAF/SCDF will remain capped at 40 learners (catering internally for healthcare students/workers or SAF/SCDF paramedics and EMTs).
  • Practical training ratio for CPR and AED related training for all courses will remain at 1 instructor to at least 1 manikin and up to 4 learners within the group.
  • Although there will be no restrictions on learners from different organisations/branches, learners from the same organisation will need to observe split team arrangements as per their own workplaces.
  • Training centres are to abide by sector/organisation specific guidelines where applicable (e.g. ECDA’s guidance on class size limit for preschool/childcare staff training, see below)
  • As much as possible, E-learning (theory lessons only) should remain the recommended mode of learning to reduce exposure at the physical training venue. However, the practical hands-on components, theory and practical test must be completed face-to-face in the presence of the instructor due to logistics and security considerations.

[1] A class is defined as a group of learners assigned to a room/hall or a clearly demarcated/partitioned space. A class can be further separated into smaller groups for practical training involving CPR and AED.


Resumption of SRFAC accreditation audits

  • SRFAC is resuming accreditation audits for TCs. TCs’ accreditation status which have expired since 27th March 2020 will need to complete their renewal accreditation by 30th September 2020. We urge the affected TCs to submit the application for the renewal early. Upon successful audit outcome, the new accreditation status will be backdated to the past expiry date. Do note that the payment mode will be via bank transfer and we are no longer accepting cheques –


Additional information for TCs


  • TCs intending to resume training but have yet to submit their risk mitigation plans are reminded to submit the plans to SRFAC for vetting and approval prior to resuming training, as per the process summarised in Annex B (refer to full document). For avoidance of doubt, TCs which had submitted their risk mitigation plans to SRFAC and had such plans approved, need not re-submit for approval. Non-compliance of the safety measures and training guidance may result in termination of the TC’s accreditation.
  • From 1st August 2020, the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) will allow pre-school/childcare staff to resume face-to-face sessions involving hands-on practice, theory and practical assessments for Child First Aid course but theory lessons should be completed online. Class size will be capped at 5 learners until further notice and will only apply to CFA learners from sectors regulated by ECDA but should not affect other CFA learners from other sectors. Please refer to ECDA’s advisory attached below. Any subsequent updates on the increase of class size for CFA learners from sectors regulated by ECDA will be emailed to CFA TCs separately.


For more details, please access:

Updates for Training Centres (040820)

Advisory to Child First Aid Training Providers – 30 Jul 2020

SRFAC Updates for Training Centres (230620)

  1. The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 15 June 2020 that Singapore will enter Phase 2 of post Circuit Breaker period on 19 June 2020. In line with this, the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC), in consultation with Ministry of Health (MOH), will allow the phased resumption of first aid training and life support courses, as summarised in Table 1 below.


Table 1. Phased resumption of Life Support and First Aid training in post Circuit Breaker period

Phase Training may resume for the following:
Phase 1 (“Safe Opening”) Since 2nd June 2020.


Training may resume only for learners working in essential services that require life support and/or first aid training as part of professional registration or service licensing requirement, as listed in the following:

1.    Healthcare workers

2.    Healthcare students

3.    Dentists

4.    Childcare/Pre-school teachers

5.    Paramedics and Emergency Medicine Technician working with Private Ambulance Operators


In addition, Training Centres need to abide with the following

a.    there should be no mixing of healthcare workers and healthcare students within the same training session (i.e. only students from the same class should be in the same training session).

b.    there should be no mixing of childcare/preschool teachers from different centres within the same training session.

c.    Learners will also need to abide by the split team arrangement at their own workplaces.


Phase 2 (“Safe Transition”) From 19th June 2020.


In addition to the learners defined in phase 1, training may resume for all learners. Training Centres should also abide by sector-specific guidelines where applicable (e.g. guidance from MOE for training for CCA groups).


Training Centres need to abide with the following:

Ø  For Phase 2, class sizes still need to be capped at 5 learners to align with the current cap of 5 persons for gatherings (TCs within Institutes of Higher Learning, Healthcare Institutions and SAF/SCDF will remain capped at 40 learners).

Ø  Although there will be no restrictions on learners from different organisations/branches, learners from the same organisation may need to observe split team arrangements as per their own workplaces.


  1. Training centres should abide by the nation-wide general guidelines for workplaces issued on 9 May 2020 by Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and to note the advisory issued on 19 May 2020 by Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) for safe resumption of businesses. Please refer to Annex A for the guidelines and advisory on safety measures for workplaces and businesses.


  1. To protect learners and instructors, Training Centres (TCs) MUST put in place the necessary precautionary measures to ensure training proceed safely. Training Centres MUST comply with the measures described in Sections A and B of the update memo sent on 28 May 2020 and may be subject to spot checks. To access the update memo sent on 28 May 2020, please visit SRFAC weblink –


  1. Training Centres (TCs) MUST provide a risk mitigation plan and submit them to SRFAC for vetting and approval prior to resuming training (please refer to Section C on the processes of submission of the update memo sent on 28 May 2020). For avoidance of doubt, TCs which had submitted their risk mitigation plans to SRFAC and had such plans approved during Phase 1 need not re-submit for approval. Non-compliance of the safety measures and training guidance may result in termination of the TC’s accreditation.


  1. Training Centres (TCs) will need to complete and submit the following to SRFAC (please see table below). TCs will also need to note the other processes required of businesses as indicated on the COVID Go Business website (please refer Annex A for the link).


Timeline Process
At least three weeks before TC intends to resume training Submit the safety measures the Training Centre will implement to ensure safe resumption of training, using the form provided, including relevant supporting documents where applicable



Email to AND


SRFAC will review the submitted plans and inform the TC of the outcome (approved vs required amendments) before TCs can resume training.


At least 5 days before every training If not submitted together with documents above, TCs will need to inform SRFAC the confirmed courses, to the same email addresses stated above.



TC should inform SRFAC of cancellation/rescheduling of class 2 days before



SRFAC will gradually resume accreditation audits for most Training Centres (TCs) until further notice. Training Centres’ accreditation status which have expired since 27th March 2020 will need to complete their renewal accreditation by 30th September 2020. We urge the affected TCs to resume the renewal process once audits can resume. Upon successful audit outcome, the new accreditation status will be backdated to the immediate past expiry date.


To view the full document with annexes – Updates for Training Centres (230620)

SRFAC Updates for Training Centres (280520)

  1. The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 19 May 2020 that Singapore will exit the Circuit Breaker when it ends on 1 June 2020, and there will be a controlled approach to resume activities safely over three phrases. In line with this, the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC), in consultation with Ministry of Health (MOH), will allow the phased resumption of first aid training and life support courses, as summarised in Table 1 below.


Table 1. Phased resumption of Life Support and First Aid training in post Circuit Breaker period

Phase Training may resume for the following:
Phase 1 (“Safe Opening”) From 2nd Jun 2020.


Training may resume only for learners working in essential services that require life support and/or first aid training as part of professional registration or service licensing requirement, as listed in the following:

1.    Healthcare workers

2.    Healthcare students

3.    Dentists

4.    Childcare/Pre-school teachers

5.    Paramedics and Emergency Medicine Technician working with Private Ambulance Operators


In addition, Training Centres need to abide with the following

a.    there should be no mixing of healthcare workers and healthcare students within the same training session (i.e. only students from the same class should be in the same training session)

b.    there should be no mixing of childcare/preschool teachers from different centres within the same training session.

c.    Learners will also need to abide by the split team arrangement at their own workplaces


Phase 2 (“Safe Transition”) Details on training resumption for this phase will be provided at later stage


This phase will be introduced if key indicators such as the number of new community cases, number and proportion of unlinked cases and results of sentinel surveillance, remain low and stable for some time after Phase 1.

Phase 3

(“Safe Nation”)

Details on training resumption for this phase will be provided at later stage



  1. Training centres should take note to abide by the nation-wide general guidelines for workplaces issued on 9 May 2020 by Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and to note the advisory issued on 19 May 2020 by Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) for safe resumption of businesses. Please refer to Annex A (see attached document for more details) for the guidelines and advisory on safety measures for workplaces and businesses.


  1. In order to ensure we control the spread of COVID-19, it is also imperative training centres put in place the precautionary measures to ensure training proceed safely. Training Centres (TCs) MUST comply with the measures described in Sections A and B (see attached document for more details) and may be subject to spot checks. Training Centre will need to provide a risk mitigation plan, taking into consideration the measures, and submit them to SRFAC for vetting and approval prior to resuming training (please refer to Section C on the processes of submission). Non-compliance of the safety measures and training guidance may result in termination of the TC’s accreditation.


Full document link (including embedded documents and weblinks) – Updates for Training Centres (280520)

Advisory for Bystanders providing assistance in view of COVID-19 situation in Singapore

The Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council (SRFAC) has prepared the following advisory to help bystanders who would like to render aid in an emergency, to stay safe while helping others.


  • Bystanders who are skilled, willing and able to assist in an emergency, are encouraged to step forward to provide first aid, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and/or use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to improve the casualties’ recovery or chances of survival.


  • Always call 995 for an SCDF ambulance in an emergency. The dispatcher will guide you to perform first aid, CPR and/or use an AED on the casualty.


  • The following personal safety precautions should be taken when rendering aid to others:
    • Bystander should wear a mask while rendering aid in an emergency.
    • Bystanders with immediate access to gloves, should wear them before attempting first aid, CPR and/or to use an AED.
    • Bystanders should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water; or use hand sanitizers to clean their hands as soon as possible after the casualty has been handed over to SCDF.


  • For adults in cardiac arrest, high quality continuous chest compressions without mouth-to-mouth ventilations can save lives.


  • Paediatric cardiac arrests are more often due to respiratory conditions. For infants and children who are in cardiac arrest, in addition to chest compression, CPR should be performed with ventilations if bystanders are skilled, willing and able. If they are unable or unwilling to provide mouth-to-mouth ventilation, they are encouraged to perform at least good quality chest compressions.


  • Those who feel unwell after the incident must consult a medical practitioner immediately for further assessment.


  • To aid in contact tracing efforts if the need arises, the rescuer is advised to note down the date, time and location of the emergency as well as the ambulance license number or the three digits on the side of the ambulance.


We thank you for stepping forward to help others in need and hope you stay well and healthy.

SRFAC Updates for Training Centres (240420)

  • Suspension of training and audits during COVID-19 outbreak
    1. As informed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on 27th March 2020, TCs are to cease all training until further notice.
    2. TCs within healthcare institutions (public and private), SAF, SCDF and specific TCs (reviewed and approved by MOH) supporting the before mentioned, are exempted from the suspension and must comply with the safety measures from the following link –
    3. TCs which would like to seek exemption to resume training for essential service providers may apply via to appeal their case.
    4. TCs’ accreditation status that expire from 27th March 2020 until the end of the training suspension, will be extended until training and audits can resume. Renewal audits must be completed within 6 months of the suspension being lifted and the new accreditation status will be backdated to the original expiry date.
    5. Instructors’ validity status that expire from 27th March 2020 until the end of the training suspension, will be extended until training can resume. The remaining required sessions needed to renew instructorship must be completed within 6 months of the suspension being lifted and the new validity status will be backdated to the original expiry date.
    6. Trainee-Instructors will have 6 months to fulfil their remaining required attachments once training can resume.
    7. Once training suspension has been lifted, individuals whose certificates are still within the default 3 months’ grace period after the stated expiry date, may enrol for a refresher course, while those whose certificates are past the default 3 months’ grace period after the stated expiry date, will have to enrol for a full course.
    8. Regardless of the certificate expiry status, SRFAC would like to encourage everyone to step forward and provide care during an emergency to the best of their ability.


  • Removal of CPR(Mouth-To-Mouth)+AED course
    1. CPR(Mouth-To-Mouth)+AED course should no longer be conducted from 1st May 2020.
    2. CPR(Hands-Only)+AED course will be the default CPR+AED course to be offered by accredited TCs from 1st May 2020.
    3. CPR+AED Instructor Training Centres (ITCs) will need to revise their materials to cater for the Hands-Only version of the instructor course by 1st May 2020.
    4. With immediate effect, learners seeking to learn mouth-to-mouth ventilations will be encouraged to enrol for BCLS+AED course.


  • E-learning matters
    1. TCs offering to provide E-learning packages for Standard First Aid and Child First Aid courses are recommended to seek approval with Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG) for the E-learning track to ensure consistency in the delivery of the course. TCs within healthcare and educational institutions are exempted.
    2. Learners enrolled in the E-learning packages during this period can complete the theory lesson component but will have to wait for the training suspension to be lifted in order to complete the remaining hands-on practice, practical and theory assessment which must be conducted in the presence of the instructor for all SRFAC accredited courses.

SRFAC Advisory for Training Centres on COVID-19 (27/03/2020)

Dear all,

From 27th March 2020, all SRFAC resuscitation and first aid trainings and audits will be suspended till further notice. All training centres ARE NOT ALLOWED to conduct any classes and any training centres found doing so will be subjected to disciplinary actions from SRFAC and Ministry of Health (MOH).

Stay Healthy and Stay Safe.

Thank you.

SRFAC Advisory for Training Centres on COVID-19 (26/02/2020)

In view of the COVID-19 infection in Singapore, the Government has stepped up our safeguards accordingly. SRFAC would like to advise all accredited Training Centres (TCs) to take appropriate precautionary and infection control measures to protect the health and wellbeing of their training participants and staff.


Please see the official advisory (PDF): SRFAC Advisory for Training Centres on COVID-19_260220.


Please see the following disinfection recommendation for the various manikins:

Ambu: Ambu Manikin Maintenance and Disinfection Guide

Brayden: Brayden Manikin Maintenance and Disinfection Guide

Laerdal: Laerdal Manikin Maintenance and Disinfection Guide

Sherpa X: Sherpa X Manikin Maintenance and Disinfection Guide