Changes to Class Size Limit
- TCs should note the changes to the class[1] size/training space limit as outlined in the following:
- For Life Support courses (BCLS+AED, CPR+AED, ACLS, LSCN, etc) and First Aid courses (SFA, CFA), class size will be capped at 16 learners with at least 1m spacing between individuals. For practical training involving CPR and AEDs, up to 4 learners may be placed together in a group, with no intermingling between groups and at least 2m spacing between groups (demarcated by taping on the floor or other forms of physical partition).
- For hands on practice to be done in pairs (or groups of 3), there should be no swapping of partners.
- If more than one class is conducted in the same training space without physical partitions (sports hall, event space, etc), there should be:
- Only be a maximum of 50 persons (including instructors, staff and learners) using the same training space while adhering to safe distancing measures (i.e. maintain 1m spacing between individuals and at least 2m spacing between groups, and a minimum of 3m spacing between each class – demarcated by taping on the floor or other forms of physical partition)
- no intermingling between learners from different class or groups
- staggered reporting and break times between classes and/or amongst groups
- clearly established routes in and out of the designated class area to resting/eating spaces or toilets
- Class size for TCs within Institutes of Higher Learning, Healthcare Institutions and SAF/SCDF will remain capped at 40 learners (catering internally for healthcare students/workers or SAF/SCDF paramedics and EMTs).
- Practical training ratio for CPR and AED related training for all courses will remain at 1 instructor to at least 1 manikin and up to 4 learners within the group.
- Although there will be no restrictions on learners from different organisations/branches, learners from the same organisation will need to observe split team arrangements as per their own workplaces.
- Training centres are to abide by sector/organisation specific guidelines where applicable (e.g. ECDA’s guidance on class size limit for preschool/childcare staff training, see below)
- As much as possible, E-learning (theory lessons only) should remain the recommended mode of learning to reduce exposure at the physical training venue. However, the practical hands-on components, theory and practical test must be completed face-to-face in the presence of the instructor due to logistics and security considerations.
[1] A class is defined as a group of learners assigned to a room/hall or a clearly demarcated/partitioned space. A class can be further separated into smaller groups for practical training involving CPR and AED.
Resumption of SRFAC accreditation audits
- SRFAC is resuming accreditation audits for TCs. TCs’ accreditation status which have expired since 27th March 2020 will need to complete their renewal accreditation by 30th September 2020. We urge the affected TCs to submit the application for the renewal early. Upon successful audit outcome, the new accreditation status will be backdated to the past expiry date. Do note that the payment mode will be via bank transfer and we are no longer accepting cheques –
Additional information for TCs
- TCs intending to resume training but have yet to submit their risk mitigation plans are reminded to submit the plans to SRFAC for vetting and approval prior to resuming training, as per the process summarised in Annex B (refer to full document). For avoidance of doubt, TCs which had submitted their risk mitigation plans to SRFAC and had such plans approved, need not re-submit for approval. Non-compliance of the safety measures and training guidance may result in termination of the TC’s accreditation.
- From 1st August 2020, the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) will allow pre-school/childcare staff to resume face-to-face sessions involving hands-on practice, theory and practical assessments for Child First Aid course but theory lessons should be completed online. Class size will be capped at 5 learners until further notice and will only apply to CFA learners from sectors regulated by ECDA but should not affect other CFA learners from other sectors. Please refer to ECDA’s advisory attached below. Any subsequent updates on the increase of class size for CFA learners from sectors regulated by ECDA will be emailed to CFA TCs separately.
For more details, please access:
Updates for Training Centres (040820)
Advisory to Child First Aid Training Providers – 30 Jul 2020