SRFAC Updates for Training Centres (061022)
Dear Training Centres,
Click here for PDF version – Updates for Training Centres (061022)
Updates for all Accredited Training Centres (TCs)
Removal of Cap/Limit of Learners in a Class (New)
1. From 1 January 2023, Training Centres (TCs) will no longer need to maintain a cap/limit of learners per class for ALL courses. TCs and the respective course’s Instructors and Chief Instructors are expected to comply with the Instructor-to-Learners ratio for practical hands-on and assessment to ensure that learners have sufficient hands-on and guidance from the assigned instructors. However, a cap/limit on the number of learners per class will still be required based on the following factors:
a. Physical space constraints
b. Cap/limits of learners in a class as imposed by other licensing/regulatory/funding agencies and/or the respective venue/institution management
2. SRFAC will conduct random observation checks to ensure compliance to the Instructor-Learners ratio for practical hands-on and assessment.
Standard and Child First Aid (SFA – CFA) Course Matters (Update)
3. From 1 January 2023, the following will be implemented with no changes to the course duration for Child and Standard First Aid courses (refer to the existing Syllabus Outlines for the course duration).
From 1 January 2023
(To be implemented with the removal of class size limit – see item 1)
Ratio of
1 Instructor : up to 8 practising Learners
Practical Hands-on (manikin not required):
a. Bandaging
b. Tourniquet
c. Epipen
d. Conscious Choking
e. MDI with spacer
f. Recovery Position
g. Transportation of Casualty
Ratio of
1 Instructor : at least 1 Manikin : up to 4 Learners
Practical Hands-on (manikin required):
a. Unconscious Choking
b. CPR with AED
i. CPR (Hands-Only) for Standard First Aid course
ii. CPR (Mouth-To-Mouth)* for Child First Aid course
*The designated mode of CPR is the Mouth-To-Mouth version. CPR with Bag-Valve-Mask is for stand-alone BCLS+AED courses catered for Healthcare Providers.
All practical assessments for the Child and Standard First Aid Courses:
1 Instructor (assessor) to 1 pair of learners at any one time.
Recovery Position and Transportation of Casualty are not assessed.
Assessment of the one-rescuer CPR (Hands-Only for SFA and MTM version for CFA) must be conducted on a manikin conforming to the specific requirements stipulated by SRFAC (
Combined Accreditation Audits in a Single Sitting (CFA and SFA Provider Course) (New)
4. SRFAC will allow CFA or SFA courses; and their relevant pre-requisite course (SFA and BCLS+AED for CFA; CPR”Hands-Only”+AED for SFA) to be audited in a single sitting (for renewal audits only).
a. CFA and SFA and BCLS+AED (3 courses’ accreditation audit combined in a single sitting):
i. Combined audit to be conducted within the full CFA course (over 2.5 days according to CFA Syllabus Outline).
ii. Upon successful combined audit of all 3 courses, the accreditation validity of 2 years will be dated/back-dated from the original expiry date of the respective courses. Audit fee of the 3 courses will be payable for the combined audit upon confirmation of auditors for the submitted dates.
iii. Failure of 1 or 2 courses during the combined audit will require subsequent re-audit of the affected course(s) to be conducted on a separate session. Audit fee of the course(s) will be payable for the follow-up re-audit upon confirmation of auditors for the submitted dates.
b. SFA and CPR(Hands-Only)+AED (2 courses’ accreditation audit combined in a single sitting):
i. Combined audit will be conducted within the full SFA Provider course (over 2 days according to SFA Syllabus Outline).
ii. Upon successful combined audit of all 2 courses, the accreditation validity of 2 years will be dated/back-dated from the original expiry date of the respective courses. Audit fee of the 2 courses will be payable for the combined audit upon confirmation of auditors for the submitted dates.
iii. Failure of 1 of the courses during the combined audit will require subsequent re-audit of the affected course to be conducted on a separate session. Audit fee of the course will be payable for the follow-up re-audit upon confirmation of auditors for the submitted dates.
Increase in Goods and Services Tax (GST) from 1 January 2023 (New)
5. In line with the government’s plan to increase the Goods and Services Tax (GST), SRFAC will be implementing the increase in GST for course accreditation audit fees to 8% from 1 January 2023 (S$500 + S$40 = S$540) and, subsequently, to 9% from 1 January 2024 (S$500 + S$45 = S$545). However, the before-mentioned will not affect Institutions/Training Centres under SingHealth due to Group GST Registration.
Audit Admin Matters (Reminder)
6. Kindly email SRFAC (, cc and indicate the audit course start and end dates (for courses taking up more than 1 day) and also to inform us that the uploaded audit documents has been submitted. When notified of a match of auditors to the submitted dates, do email us the proof of funds transfer for the payment of accreditation audit fees.